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Rabu, 12 Januari 2011


Hoi hoi, readers, sekarang ai mao memperkenalkan mahluk berkebangsaan Jepang namanya Noppera-bō bukan bakpo dikarenakan ai sedikit malas menjelaskan jadi readers bisa baca sendiri infonya hasil nilep dari mbak Wiki

The Noppera-bō (のっぺら坊 Noppera-bō?), or faceless ghost, is a Japanese legendarycreature. They are sometimes mistakenly referred to as a mujina, an old Japanese word for a badger or raccoon dog. Although the mujina can assume the form of the other, noppera-bō are usually humans. Such creatures were thought to sometimes transform themselves into noppera-bō in order to frighten humans. Lafcadio Hearn used the animals' name as the title of his story about faceless monsters, probably resulting in the misused terminology.

Noppera-bō are known primarily for frightening humans, but are usually otherwise harmless. They appear at first as ordinary human beings, sometimes impersonating someone familiar to the victim, before causing their features to disappear, leaving a blank, smooth sheet of skin where their face should be.

Noppera-bō in folklore

There are two primary stories about the noppera-bō.

The Noppera-bō and the Koi Pond

This tale recounts a lazy fisherman who decided to fish in the imperial koi ponds near the Heiankyo palace. Despite being warned by his wife about the pond being sacred and near a graveyard, the fisherman went anyway. On his way to the pond, he is warned by another fisherman not to go there, but he again ignores the warning. Once at the spot, he is met by a beautiful young woman who pleads with him not to fish in the pond. He ignores her and, to his horror, she wipes her face off. Rushing home to hide, he is confronted by what seems to be his wife, who chastises him for his wickedness before wiping off her facial features as well.

The Mujina of the Akasaka Road

The most famous story recollection of the Noppera-bō comes from Lafcadio Hearn's book Kwaidan: Stories and Studies of Strange Things. The story of a man who travelled along the Akasaka road to Edo, he came across a young woman in a remote location near Kunizaka hill, crying and forlorn. After attempting to console the young woman and offer assistance, she turned to face him, startling him with the blank countenance of a faceless ghost. Frightened, the man proceeded down the road for some time, until he came across a soba vendor. Stopping to relax, the man told the vendor of his tale, only to recoil in horror as the soba vendor stroked his face, becoming a noppera-bō himself.

There are other tales about noppera-bō, from a young woman rescued from bandits by a samurai on horseback whose face disappears; to stories of nobles heading out for a tryst with another, only to discover the courtesan is being impersonated by a noppera-bō.


Nah yang jadi pertanyaan tuh gimana bisa sampe muncul "tokoh" ini, kan pasti orang yang pertama nyebut nih tokoh pasti pernah liat (ato salah liat) jadi apakah tokoh ini nyata ato tidak masih misteri dan sekarang dijadikan cerita di sono, ato ada yang punya pendapat lain? misalnya ada yang nyebut dia iblis?

"Contoh iblis"

Ato mahluk Cryptoid?

"Contoh Cryptoid"

Well semua kembali kebada readers

Kamis, 06 Januari 2011


hoi-hoi, eke ganti nama nih biar enak kalo mao dikatain dipanggil jadi dengan ini resmi nama eke adalah Adrian, keren kan? itu ude makan waktu lama lho bwat nyari namanya hehe

Selasa, 04 Januari 2011

Tereksterial, Mistik, Hoax, ato Perasaan aja?

Yo yo, apa kabare? hari eke mao cerita nih, kebetulan kemaren ada yang cerita gini

"Kemaren saya lagi pergi ke lokasi gunung Merapi, niatnya saya lagi ingin liat-liat lokasi kejadian dan mengambil foto puncak Merapi, namun karena ada Bang Harits kabut yang menghalangi jadi gak bisa keliatan....." OK STOP dulu, sori ya bang Harist namanya keluar disini ^^" ntar eke kasih poto plus tanda tangan deh~~~~


"Begitu saya sedang di mobil pada perjalanan pulang saya melihat puncak gunung Merapi yang memperlihatkan sosok indahnya yang membuat orang-orang guling-gulingan saya langsung menepi dan mengeluarkan henpon untuk mengambil gambarnya, hape saya gak bisa tri ji tapi begitu selesai saya kembali pulang. setelah pulang dan membuka HP untuk melihat gambar tsb tapi yang terfoto disana adalah 499 saya sendiri dengan background bercahaya putih, seolah saya memfoto diri saya sendiri."


Nah loh, gimana tuh? menurut saya sih ada beberapa teori mulai dari yang masuk akal ampe yang keluar akal

1. Emang bener karena perbuatan mistik di daerah sono
2. dia geblek, dan salah posisi untuk moto (kamera ngadep kearahnya)
3. Hpnya bisa 3G tapi dia gak nyadar selama ini
4. abis moto dia lupa simpan potonya (ini kita buang karena dia mengecek kembali)
5. abis selese moto dia pulang, nah di perjalanan diculik UFO dan foto tsb diganti dan ingetannya diapus
6. Dia bo'ong dan semua cerita tadi hanyalah rekayasa

contoh cerita rekayasa : gue pulang terus ketemu pocong ngajakin maen suit (seperti yang kita tau pocong gak bisa mengeluarkan tangannya dengan leluasa)

nah berhubung saya bukan ahli kamera dan tidak adanya bukti yang tegas maka saya tidak bisa bilang itu nyata, but bagi reader yang mao moto gunung Merapi dan takut mengalami hal tersebut dapat memoto dengan kamera membelakangi objek (nanti anda akan melihat penampakan wajah anda sendiri, hehe)

so kalo ada update akan saya tambahkan bye bye